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  1. How do I change club master administrator?

    Change master administrator for club

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  2. 11 votes

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  3. Ability to create games for all teams in one screen

    Currently we have 5 grades that all play on the same day and same location but different times. i.e 4s @ 10:45, 3s @ 11:40 etc

    It would be good to be able to create the game (date & location) and then select the team it's for and the time for that team. Then add another team to that game with it's own time and so on. Then once saved have them publish to each teams schedule

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  4. In schedule view, would like to be able to see summary of RSVP next to event title.

    Anywhere you see the event title "My Team vs Bad Guys" immediately adjacent or beneath show how many said yes, how many said no and how many no responses.... This way I don't have to dig any deeper to see headcount.

    On website and on mobile app.

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  5. Add players postal address in contact area

    There are many times when entering information for competitions that the club has to provide the same data - Name, postal address, date of birth, phone number - for each player. Can you add a postal address field in the player's contact details.

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  6. Reason of No Show

    It would be great if a player does have to give a reason why he is not coming to a training / game.

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  7. spare players list

    ability to have spare extra players that the manager can designate for a game or practice

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  8. Birthday Reminder for the Coach/Manager/Club-Presindent etc.

    Very simple. Reminder xx (optional setting) days before the anniversary of the member by email or push-notification.
    Then the coach/manager/etc can congratulate and celebrate at the next meeting.

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  9. Add a comment to player when Rostered off

    I would like to 'add comment' when I roster someone off. i.e. manager rosters someone on, off etc there is facility to include a short personal message to them.

    A bit like when you accept a calendar invite in Outlook and can reply with comments.
    Think it's needed for admin/managers as would enable us to man manage people better than a black and white "you're in" "you're dropped" :-) with no explanation.

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  10. Team manager access stats as well as coach

    Give team managers access to stats as well as the coach as it is the team manager who enters this.

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  11. Errors in German version

    Thanks for the German version of your application! There are quite a few small language errors on the website, phone app and emails I discovered during my days of testing. It mostly concerns word order - possibly due to your internal use of placeholders. I used to develop apps myself so I know a little about these things happen :)
    Nothing major that makes usage impossible, but German native speakers will wonder what's going on as it spoils the otherwise flawless impression of the app.

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  12. Offline cache for smartphone apps

    Offline cache for smartphone apps so you can use the app when not connected to the internet.

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  13. Medical certification management

    Each Player can do sport if and only if he/she has a specific and personal and valid medical certification. This last has normally a certain validity, so it would be nice to have the capability to link the certification expire date to the medical profile of each single Player, with the possibility:

    1) To receive in advance a notification to remember it is time to renew the certification. Advise period should be a parameter into the app (in weeks), while the notification should be sent periodically (e.g, each week) to the player, the coach(es) and the manager(s) until a new…

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  14. Anyway to be a player and manager? Would help for Adult teams.

    Anyway to be a player and manager? Would help for Adult teams.

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  15. Player attendance change time logging

    Display exactly when a player signed on/off for a game and maybe even apply conditional logic to that. F.e. display a list of players, that didn't sign up 24 hours before a game.

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  16. Setting duties for whole season before the games are scheduled

    I'm the team manager of a basketball team and at the beginning of each season (which runs for 2 terms) I do a roster for scoring duty so the parents can know their commitment well in advance. Usually the first 6 (say) games of the season are set on a week-to-week basis as the teams are being graded and moved around etc. So we usually don't know the game details until 3 days before the game, which is quite late to alert the parents about scoring duty.

    I'd like to be able to put the full roster of scoring duties…

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  17. Track attendance within the app

    In other words, Coachstuff doesn't need to be separated from Teamstuff. It should all be integrated in one app, take / modify attendance at the fields and keep a record.

    Also, like another user suggested but you declined, tardiness should be tracked as well! Not just in a note, but in a way that data is usable on its own. It should be Attended, Attended but late, Absent without notice, Absent with notice. It should all be in a database and data should be usable for reports.

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  18. Training content coachstuff to teamstuff

    Be able to export the training content of coachstuff to teamstuff

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  19. Limit the number of players coming to a game (continuos check)

    The idea in short is to disable the "Coming" button whenever the limit of allowed players in a game has been reached and enable it whenever the number of players drops under the limit. This would allow for players with status "Unknown" or "Not Coming" to change presence to "Coming" if and whenever a free place becomes available. All this would be possible without any admin intervention.

    Currently whenever the limit of players is reached Automatic Roster Off will set all players not in the "Coming" list to "Rostered Off". The rostering-off of players is a one-off action, and the…

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  20. This site is dead: photo upload is broken

    Can't upload photos for kids anymore. No response from the support team.
    I have a pro account, i don't mind paying for software but I do mind when it's not supported. Anybody know an alternative?

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