reason of non-attendance
As a coach i want to know, why a player can't make it to a game or practice.
Hi all – This is finally done across the entire set of tools. Web + Android was done a whiles back – and we just ( early June ) got the iOS version out that contains it. So attendance comments are now fully functional across web, droid and iOS.
Joe commented
For players who don't update the reason for not attending, it will be good that coaches are also allowed to add reasons. Currently we are only allowed to edit the attendance but not reason
Sander de Jong commented
is it possible that this function does not work on an iPhone?
i'm using an android phone, with a test account as a player i can see the option to write a reason of absense... but one of my players had an iPhone and does not seem to have this function? he downloaded the app today..
Mas commented
Karl commented · June 10, 2014 09:22
"rather than having to type in a reason the non attendance reason could be like the attendance button with different symbols i.e injured, work, sick, away or other. An optional comment field would be good also"
I feel the same as Karl. Would be great if you could choose those options or similar that Karl mentioned. In my case (football (Europe) team) think it would make the statistics more accurate and more usable, if it would take into consider also why the person was away. Did the same with an Excel spreadsheet last year, would be great if I got it from you guys directly now.
Keep up the good work,
Finland -
Jan commented
any idea when this will be released?
Anonymous commented
In my case, I DON'T need to know, and some players MAY think I am prying.
Can this be OPTIONAL ? -
AdminCoach (Support Lead, Teamstuff) commented
Hi all - this is 100% on the roadmap. We actually were designing it for Day 1 release, but couldn't quite get the design of it right, so we left it. The idea was that if people really needed it - we'd hear from them. Turns out we have - thanks all for the comments and support - we're planning for this in the near future.
Sarah commented
Our brass band have just signed up to use team stuff and one of our responses from a parent is to be able to give a reason for attendance or if they may be attending a rehearsal but may be a bit late.
Vincent van Keulen commented
Would be nice if this could be fiddled into the next release.
Tom Beadle commented
ditto the many comments below - parents email or phone through their reason for non attendance. Would be so much better if they could let coaches and managers know via teamstuff.
Scott commented
A comment is a huge feature. Many times a player needs to leave early or has other info to share.
Karl commented
rather than having to type in a reason the non attendance reason could be like the attendance button with different symbols i.e injured, work, sick, away or other. An optional comment field would be good also
Chauncey commented
I suggested this idea through email before but no response. This is a great idea and gives a great sense of accountability for coaches and players. Coaches can know their players' whereabouts or reason of not attending.
Antoine commented
Indeed, parents still write to me via email and update teamstuff, but it would be easier if they can just let me know by updating teamstuff.