Allow links to be included in team messages.
When we put a mtch report on our website, it would be nice to share a direct link to it with the team via the message option. The message option doesn't currently post a clickable link.
Stewart Howell commented
jumlia commented
the <a href="">Showbox</a> app, visit here to download from here
<a href=""></a> -
Patrick commented
I should highlight that I am assuming the URL would be clickable in the message as well as in the 'special instructions' field captured against an event (match & training)
Patrick commented
an easy enhancement but very powerful as it allows the user to link in other tools (eg google Drive for pictures, video, tournament schedules and, and, and). Hence from my pov this is the most useful enhancement request of all logged ideas.
Stewart Howell commented
As a club admin, most messages I send are basically just a link to bring the members to a webpage where the full details of the message are waiting for them.
Roger Nallathamby commented
Reminder emails should also include a live map with the 'Get Directions' link. Currently I can only access the 'Get Directions' link by opening the app and going to the game information.