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What is Teamstuff Pro?

Teamstuff Pro is our super simple, super transparent revenue model.

Teamstuff Pro is a super low fee, paid yearly and it's both personal ( for you , not the team ) and optional. So lets break that down a little. 

Super low fee, paid yearly. We've modelled Teamstuff Pro accounts on the price of 2 takeaway coffees per year. In our home city of Melbourne, I literally buy two coffees per day ( that's my habit! )  - and it costs me $AUD8. And yes, that's actually how we priced it. So that fee, paid once per year is pretty trivial. 

Personal Fee. The low fee will be paid by a user - someone who logs into Teamstuff. Not per team. Not per child. If you have 10 teams and 4 kids in Teamstuff - you pay one annual fee. It's a fee for that logged in user, and it makes their Teamstuff experience better. How? Better, richer information presented in the Activity Screen for example, or more informative calendar entries. Better photo presentation. Better support when you ask us questions. 

Optional. Yeah right we hear you say!  No, it's going to be. One of our golden rules in designing this process is that we want teams to still work beautifully on our platform even if everyone is on the free plan. No really! You will still be able to create teams, manage teams, set attendances, send emails to everyone. Our crazy idea is that our extra features ( richer information for example, or more choices of what information you want to see ) is of such clear benefit to our users, that they have no hesitation in paying that '2 coffees per year' style fee.

And yes, this is significantly more than our competitors, whose free plan doesn't actually let you run a team. And is usually full of ads. 

What do clubs pay for? Nothing. All clubs functionality is free to enjoy. 

Want more information on Teamstuff Pro, checkout the following links

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