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How do I sync my schedule to my google calendar?

 Teamstuff has fantastic support for syncing your team schedule ( games and trainings ) to your google calendar. Here's how to do it;

  1. Login to teamstuff first, then navigate to Accounting Settings at the top right. Look left and choose 'Schedule' for the schedule options.You'll see a very useful setting for Calendars;
  2. For google, the best way is to right click on the green 'subscribe' button, then choose the option to copy the link location to your clipboard. [ This URL represents your whole schedule - all teams, games and trainings ]   Note : if that step automatically opens a calendar program you don't want - try right clicking on the button. Not left clicking.
  3. OK, now you need to let Google know how to find us. So, pop over to your google calendar via the website. When you do this , you should see an option for 'Other Calendars' - often it's down on the left towards the bottom.
  4. Click here - and look for the option 'Add by URL'. Paste your link from your clipboard in here - and you are done.
So now you will have a copy of your team's schedules appearing in your google calendars - and everywhere they appear to. 

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