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Can my club have lots of administrators?

Most grass roots clubs will have lots of people helping run the club, and supports that really nicely.

So rather than have just a single administrator doing all the work, we support you having a team of helpers making sure your club runs beautifully. 

Authorised Communicators
The magic emails for the club are very powerful - they offer a way to send an email to one email address - and magically get sent to everyone in the club. So they're super useful, but you wouldn't want just anyone in the club using it. So in the club setup, you can nominate the people that are allowed to send emails out to the whole club.

In the example below, we've authorised one additional person to send emails to the whole club. 

Administrators of the Club ( in clubs.teamstuff )
On top of that, we also support you having help running the club in teamstuff itself. And here's where it gets fun - we let you nominate a team of people that
1. Is already in teamstuff, and
2. Joined to the club

and that team of people - they have the authority to administer the club. Note there's no 'partial authority' in this model - these need to be trusted individuals. 

So in the example below, we have created a team that includes all the professors, and we've given them the right to login to the club and make any change they need to.

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