All articles
Can I add notes for a player on a team eg. to store their Football Federation number details?
Can I be both a Coach and a Parent on a team?
Can my club have lots of administrators?
Can Teamstuff track payments?
Coachstuff - Where is my team?
Delete a Season
Duty Reminders - When are they sent out?
Help! I have forgotten my password!
How can a club admin re-arrange teams?
How can a team member volunteer for a duty ( on mobile app)?
How can I assign LOTS of duties to my team?
How can I create a club?
How can I delete old teams from my account?
How can I delete/remove a player from my team?
How can I find my club members?
How can I leave a comment for the coach about my game attendance?
How can I limit the number of players coming to a game?
How can I make a credit card payment to my team?
How can I move players between teams?
How can I set an arrival time prior to the game start time?
How can I set the team up for duty volunteers?
How can I update the player number?
How can I use Teamstuff for registrations?
How can I volunteer for a duty on the web?
How could I change the way teamstuff sends me emails or notifications?
How do I accept the Terms and Conditions?
How do I add a calculated statistic?
How do I add a duty to a game?
How do I add a game to my team?
How do I add a photo to my (or my child's) profile?
How do I add another Coach/Team Manager to my team?
How do I add the Teamstuff calendar to my phone/pc/mac/ipad/outlook/iCal/etc
How do I change a game or training session once I have created it?
How do I change languages?
how do I change my email address?
How do I change role from manager to coach? ( or other way round )
How do I configure stat totals for my team in coachstuff?
How do I delete a payment item?
How do I delete a team?
How do I delete my account?
How do I edit all trainings for a season once I have created it?
How do I get attendance statistics for my team?
How do I invite club members to a club event?
How do I invite my mum/dad to see my schedule?
How do I join a team?
How do I leave a team?
How do I modify my personal details?
How do I modify my team after I've set it up?
How do I record a cash payment?
How do I remind players to set their attendance?
How do I remove a player from a team?
How do I remove myself as the manager / coach of the team?
How do I set the Default Attendance for Games and Training Sessions?
How do I set up my team email address?
How do I setup a payment for my team?
How do I setup a player on my team for separated parents?
How do I sync my schedule to my google calendar?
How do I transfer my duty?
How do I transfer my kids schedule to another teamstuff account?
How do I transfer the Coach/Manager role to someone else?
How does Coachstuff work out the game averages?
How does my wife/husband/partner/carer get access to my child's schedule?
How does Teamstuff handle credit cards?
How I can share my contact details with my team?
How to add an extra player to an existing team?
How to use the Today Widget for Android
How to use the Today Widget for iOS
I can't see my team on desktop, but can on mobile (or vice versa)
I have a suggestion for a new feature
I would like a notification when a player's attendance changes
I'm getting too many email about game attendances
I'm not receiving emails from teamstuff.
I've created a Teamstuff account... now what?
I've just joined a team : what should I do next?
In coachstuff - what's my userid or password?
Is your service impacted by the Heartbleed bug?
Know Thy Team
My (google) calendar isn't up to date?
Oops, I managed to sign up with two accounts!
Recurring/Multiple Training Sessions
Starting a kids team
Teamstuff and Timezones
Text Messages / SMS Support
Transaction Fees with Payments - How Much?
What are fans of a club?
What browsers does teamstuff support?
What can teamstuff do for my club?
What does a coach or manager get with Teamstuff Pro?
What does a parent get with Teamstuff Pro?
What Happens When I Change a Duty Template?
What if I need to cancel a game or training session?
What is a Duty Template?
What is Teamstuff Pro?
What is the 'current' season?
What is the maximum size of a team?
What reminders get sent out to players so that they don't miss a game?
What support do you have for Grandparents?
What type of paid plans does Teamstuff have?
What's a BYE?
When is the Windows Phone app coming out?
When will I get my money?
Where did my old messages go?
Who is Playing or Training?
Why can't I update the details of my team members?
Why don't we support IE 8?
Will team emails sent by Teamstuff expose all player's emails?